developer News 23. May 2023. For the next month until 31.12.2019, you are entitled to a 10% discount for purchases through the Internet store Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
NewsDiscount: Parts for Vogel&Noot plows made of Bormanganese steelParts for Vogel&Noot plows made of boron manganese steel for long-lasting and reliable applying in agriculture. 16. September 2024.Read more
NewsHudjik Premium: What is the Wolfram Carbide?Wolfram carbide is produced when Wolfram is alloyed with carbon. It has a hardness of 9.0 on the Mohs scale. It is the second hardest material in the world after diamond. 24. May 2024.Read more
NewsDiscount: cultivator pats – maize hoeWe are currently offering very competitive prices for cultivator parts, including maize hoes. Check to see exactly which models are on sale. 20. May 2024.Read more